Super Human Blog
Welcome to my Super Human Blog where I will be discussing all things in health optimization to ensure sure that you are living your best life yet. Various topics in health from, sleep, exercise, nutrition, mindset training, and much more will be posted here. Sign up for my monthly newsletter to make sure you get my latest posts emailed directly to you.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Panic Attack: How to Identify and Cope with this Distressing Condition
Recognizing the Symptoms of Panic Attack: How to Identify and Cope with this Distressing Condition Panic attacks and their prevalence Panic attacks are sudden and intense episodes of fear and anxiety that can profoundly impact an individual’s well-being. These episodes are characterized by overwhelming feelings of distress, accompanied by various physical and psychological symptoms. Panic…
Panic Attack vs. Heart Attack: Recognizing the Differences and Understanding the Symptoms
Panic Attack vs. Heart Attack: Recognizing the Differences and Understanding the Symptoms Panic attack vs. Heart attack Panic attacks and heart attacks are two distinct medical conditions that can cause similar symptoms, leading to confusion and anxiety for those experiencing them. Therefore, understanding the differences between panic attacks and heart attacks is crucial for accurate…
How Long Does Panic Attack Last? Understanding the Duration and Seeking Help
How Long Does Panic Attack Last? Understanding the Duration and Seeking Help Explanation of panic attacks Panic attacks are intense episodes of fear and distress that can occur suddenly and without warning. They are a crucial feature of panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. During a panic…
Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: Understanding the Differences and How to Cope
Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: Understanding the Differences and How to Cope Difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks Understanding the Difference between anxiety attack vs. panic attack is crucial for individuals striving to maintain good mental health. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct experiences with different implications for diagnosis…
What is a Panic Attack? Understanding the Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment Options
What is Panic Attack? Understanding the Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment Options What is Panic Attack? Panic attacks are intense episodes of fear and anxiety that can manifest physically and psychologically. They often come on suddenly and reach their peak within a short period, typically lasting a few minutes. Individuals experiencing a panic attack may feel…
Finding Calm: Natural Remedies for Anxiety to Help You Relax and De-stress
Finding Calm: Natural Remedies for Anxiety to Help You Relax and De-stress What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a common and natural human emotion that we all experience at some point. It responds to perceived threats or stressful situations, often accompanied by emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms. Anxiety symptoms can manifest in various ways, such as…
Breaking Free: How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Take Control of Your Life
Breaking Free: How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Take Control of Your Life What is anxiety? : Learning how to relieve anxiety Anxiety is a natural response when we perceive a threat or feel stressed. Feelings of worry, fear, and unease characterize it. While occasional anxiety is normal, excessive and persistent anxiety can be…
Unravelling the Mystery: Understanding Anxiety Symptoms and How to Cope
Unravelling the Mystery: Understanding Anxiety Symptoms and How to Cope What is Anxiety? Anxiety, a prevalent mental health concern, affects millions of people worldwide. In this article, we aim to briefly explain what anxiety is and highlight the importance of understanding its symptoms. By shedding light on this topic, we hope to foster awareness and…
Breaking Down the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders
Breaking Down the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders What are the types of Anxiety? Anxiety is a common human experience characterized by fear, constant worry, and unease. It is a natural response to stress or perceived threats, preparing us to take action and stay safe. However, when Anxiety becomes persistent, excessive, and interferes with daily…
Sleep or Die! My top 13 ways to sleep better. Part 2 of 6: When to Sleep
There are many theories and studies on the subject of when is the ideal time to sleep. I have studied several of these as I have always tried to optimize my sleep as best as possible. Most people believe that as long as you sleep enough, then when you sleep shouldn’t matter. I and many other people couldn’t disagree with this more. When you sleep matters, as it can drastically affect the quality of your sleep.
Sleep or Die! My top 13 ways to sleep better. Part 1 of 6: Food and Drinks
I have never really been a great sleeper. Partly because of my bad habits and lifestyle I used to do ie. late night tv (especially without blue light glasses), eating junk food and drinking alcohol late at night, being in a chronic state of mental stress and much more… I would many times be in a constant fog during the day, not feel my best, especially in my thirties and early forties.
My Top 5 Anti-Aging Routines
I am currently 48 years old and am continuing my Benjamin Button lifestyle of aging backwards. I used to have the mindset that as you get older you just have to preserve and hang on to your health and longevity as much as you can, but eventually you see it slip away from you. Not anymore.